
[FKFU-A291-00-A] Up in the Cloud_Turbo charging FloEFD usage

2021-10-28 14:02
In 1965, Gordon Moore claimed that the number of transistors in integrated circuits would double approximately every two years.

CFD and FEA simulations prove that he could not get closer to reality. With increasing RAM and faster CPUs, more and more simulation models are being calculated, more cells are generated and faster computing speeds are expected. On the one hand, the available computing power is used to make innovations more complex and shorten development cycles simultaneously. On the other hand, of course, it’s simply because engineers can. Engineering hours are often the highest cost factor, which means that it can be more economical to use the available computational capacities rather than cost-intensive manual preparation work which could save computation time.

To be always up-to-date and to provide the best available technology to customers, “Monster Hardware” has been invested in for years. Every second year, an investment was made in new computers, with double speed, and twice as much capacity, which amounted to about €3,000 per workstation.
Even at the end of the millennium it was quite possible that heavy hardware and even tube displays were transported to onsite presentations and customer visits, as affordable and high-performance laptops and projectors with sufficient resolutions were, at that time, future dreams.



Flowmaster Korea

● 사업자 번호 : 117-81-48975
● 대표자 : 이웅기
● 주소 : 서울 강서구 양천로 583, B-1908
● 대표번호 : 02-2093-2689
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